Thursday, April 5, 2007

18 Agosto 2006

From: Andrea Jacobs
To:Andrea Mennella
Date: 2006-Aug-18 04:01:22
Subject: Thank you for the pictures!

Hi Andrea,

Thank you so much for the pictures!

Here in Port Huron, Michigan, it is around 70 degrees and sunny most of the time.
It will start to get colder in the next month or so as fall sets in.

I will be sure to send student pictures once they arrive in school, but will send a few pictures of our city, including Lake Huron which is right near our school...
I am so happy to be able to share this project with you!

Our school website is if you would like to see pictures and information about our school.

I will be sure to send actual pictures of the school and our classroom very soon!

Thank you again!
